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au pénal

См. также в других словарях:

  • PÉNAL (DROIT) — Que le droit pénal serve à punir, nul n’en doute. La peine est d’abord vengeance privée: tolérée dans l’ancienne Égypte, à Athènes, à Rome sous l’espèce d’un caractère collectif, légalement organisée (l’abandon noxal à Rome, le wergeld… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • pénal — pénal, ale, aux [ penal, o ] adj. • XVIe; poinal liu « lieu pénal, purgatoire » 1190; lat. pœnalis, de pœna→ peine ♦ Relatif aux peines, aux infractions qui entraînent des peines. Droit pénal et droit civil. Le code pénal (anciennt code d… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Penal Laws — • Treats of the penal legislation affecting Catholics in English speaking countries since the Reformation. Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Penal Laws     Penal Laws      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • penal — PENÁL, Ă, penali, e, adj. (Despre dispoziţii cu caracter de lege) Care are un caracter represiv, care se ocupă de infracţiuni şi prevede pedepsele care trebuie aplicate. ♢ Drept penal (şi substantivat, n.) = ramură a ştiinţei dreptului care se… …   Dicționar Român

  • Penal military unit — Penal battalions, penal companies, etc., are military units consisting of convicted persons for which military service was either the assigned punishment or a voluntary replacement of imprisonment.Nazi Germany See Afrika Brigade 999 (also… …   Wikipedia

  • penal — pe·nal / pēn əl/ adj 1: of, relating to, or being punishment penal sanctions 2: making one (as an offender) punishable a penal offense; also: criminal (2) 3: used as a place of con …   Law dictionary

  • Penal substitution — is a theory of the atonement within Christian theology, especially associated with the Reformed tradition. It argues that Christ, by his own sacrificial choice, was punished (penalised) in the place of sinners (substitution), thus satisfying the… …   Wikipedia

  • Penal — (originally Peñal) is a town in southern Trinidad. It lies south of San Fernando and Debe, and north of Siparia. Originally a rice and cocoa producing area, Penal has grown into an important town in the past few years and is now a desirable place …   Wikipedia

  • Penal — Pe nal, a. [L. poenalis, fr. poena punishment: cf. F. p[ e]nal. See {Pain}.] Of or pertaining to punishment, to penalties, or to crimes and offenses; pertaining to criminal jurisprudence: as: (a) Enacting or threatening punishment; as, a penal… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Penal action — Penal Pe nal, a. [L. poenalis, fr. poena punishment: cf. F. p[ e]nal. See {Pain}.] Of or pertaining to punishment, to penalties, or to crimes and offenses; pertaining to criminal jurisprudence: as: (a) Enacting or threatening punishment; as, a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Penal code — Penal Pe nal, a. [L. poenalis, fr. poena punishment: cf. F. p[ e]nal. See {Pain}.] Of or pertaining to punishment, to penalties, or to crimes and offenses; pertaining to criminal jurisprudence: as: (a) Enacting or threatening punishment; as, a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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